[TOD] Rufmord + Flame

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[TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Anedjti »

Uns reicht es langsam das die TOD immerwieder versuchen im Chat unseren Ruf zu schädigen und zu Flamen.

Hier ein paar Screens:
TODFlameund Rufmord.7z
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Amun Ra »

In der tat ist es so und fängt langsam an wirklich zu nerfen.

Da es kein Einzellfall ist haben Wir nochmal in den Serverregeln nachgelesen.
Wenn Wir uns nicht irren verstoßen Tod gegen Regel 2 , 9 und 12.

Das nimmt einfach den spielspaß. Nur so als Beispiel waren das letzte mal 2 Tod und
ich war allein. Sie haben mich angegriffen und mich gekillt. Da hab ich eben mal pech
gehabt. Jedenfalls habe ich nicht rumgeflamt. Nur kurze Zeit später war es dann so, das
Wir dann mehr waren und sie wurden gegrillt. Schon ging das geflame los. Was sie sozu-
sagen vor 5 minuten selber machten war im umgekehrten fall dann ein no go worüber
sich dann gleich wiedermal über console ausgelassen wurde.

Es wäre schön wenn man das abstellen könnte.

gez. Amun Ra
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Firedragon »

Which means in English ???
\And how do you open a 7z file ??
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Chons »

You can open 7z with Winrar the rest you will understand when you open it.
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Firedragon »

Well, I have looked at them all - where is the flaming ???
In every case, except the last one, the truth was being told.
Flaming, as far as I understand it, is goading other players with lies, insults, name calling etc..
As to the last one - try reading The Scarlet Pimpernell or watching the film, then you will understand the humour of what I said !!!
Why are you, Pharoa always trying to cause trouble for TOD ???
Rule 2 was not broken - no-one was insulted.
Rule 9 was not broken- no-one was spammed with language they did not understand.
Rule 12 was not broken - no-one was flamed.

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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by ANTARIA »

Firedargon was to fast^^ but anyway i've translate Amuns post.

In der tat ist es so und fängt langsam an wirklich zu nerfen.

Da es kein Einzellfall ist haben Wir nochmal in den Serverregeln nachgelesen.
Wenn Wir uns nicht irren verstoßen Tod gegen Regel 2 , 9 und 12.

Das nimmt einfach den spielspaß. Nur so als Beispiel waren das letzte mal 2 Tod und
ich war allein. Sie haben mich angegriffen und mich gekillt. Da hab ich eben mal pech
gehabt. Jedenfalls habe ich nicht rumgeflamt. Nur kurze Zeit später war es dann so, das
Wir dann mehr waren und sie wurden gegrillt. Schon ging das geflame los. Was sie sozu-
sagen vor 5 minuten selber machten war im umgekehrten fall dann ein no go worüber
sich dann gleich wiedermal über console ausgelassen wurde.

Es wäre schön wenn man das abstellen könnte.

gez. Amun Ra


it is in reality so and beginns to bother.

it no singular case, so we have read the Serverrules anymore.
when we don't err breaching TOD rule 2 , 9 and 12

That raped our fun on the Game. for exemple at the one, they where 2 TOD and i was alone.
They have attack me and killed me. Than i've tough luck.
anyway i've don't flamed. short time later i get reinforcement and grilled them. We had a nice barbecue^^
already the Flame begone. What they self to 5min ago was at inversely case a "no-go",
whereat they directly burdened in the console-chat.

It wouldn't go amiss to cut this.

i hope you understand it^^...
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Mr.Manhattan »

hmmm i opened the first sreenshot and the first line i saw was "[TOD]-Firedragon-1-[OR]: Are you gay boys capable of a fair fight" -light insult-

on the next screens i saw TOD's complaining about dockkilling (which actually doesn't exist on this server....you are some seconds unkillable....use them ant get away!)
-simply wrong and annoying...flame-

then there is a screen with a TOD member who thinks cloaiking out of combat would be against server rules (lol?)
-fully wrong, spam/flame/junk-

and why are you calling "pharao" "pharaoa"? shall i call you TODA?
-no respect....ok not against server rules, but against rules of etiquette-

oh wonderful other screen: a TOD complains about pharaos using bots/bats....first....i think i know the pharaos, and they dont do that....second...it is officially ok to use bots/bats in combat (because in war, every chance tu put the enemy down has to be used :P
-flame like calumny-

thats just what i see...
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Placebo »

Echt nervig diese TOD's. Ohne diese sinnlosen Provokationen hätten wir alle mehr Spaß.


Meine schwarze Seele soll verdammt sein wenn ich Euch Gnade erweise oder Gnade von Euch annehme!!!
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Firedragon »

"on the next screens i saw TOD's complaining about dockkilling (which actually doesn't exist on this server....you are some seconds unkillable....use them ant get away!)
-simply wrong and annoying...flame-"
some seconds yes, but if there are 3 or 4 enemy gathered around the dock, you cannot get away or get full control of your ship - not a flame.

"then there is a screen with a TOD member who thinks cloaiking out of combat would be against server rules (lol?)
-fully wrong, spam/flame/junk-"
Look at this again - I was questioning whether this was the case - not a flame.

"and why are you calling "pharao" "pharaoa"? shall i call you TODA?
-no respect....ok not against server rules, but against rules of etiquette-"
I apologise for a spelling error - not a flame.

"oh wonderful other screen: a TOD complains about pharaos using bots/bats....first....i think i know the pharaos, and they dont do that....second...it is officially ok to use bots/bats in combat (because in war, every chance tu put the enemy down has to be used :P
-flame like calumny-"
I apologise - I was under the impression that using bats/bots or regenning was not allowed. Pharao do use them or I would not have said they did - not a flame.

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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Retribution »

ok nice to see admin taking notice. just a pity it didn't happen during other posts. viewtopic.php?f=104&t=4836
if i sit in unicon just outside planet to watch others enjoying themselves i get continually attacked, even after being accused of attacking first always. as for my comments towards tuxman i say sorry if offense was taken, it was not meant, in England a puppy dog is merely loyal to his master.
i still believe that cyber bullying is happening here on NU and in my short time here can name at least 3 people who have left for that reason. if you don't read the above link you cant judge.sorry it is in english but i have to try to understand German.
once again sorry to tuxman if he took offense
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Retribution »

at placebo what have we ever done to you ?
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Placebo »

at placebo what have we ever done to you ?
Im a friend of the Pharao-Clan. That's all.

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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Retribution »

who isn't ?
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Chons »


Firedragon , For us is fact that you try to kill our Name on this server with your words.
Fact for us is too that your words are most time Insults against us.
Fact is that you and your clan try with their words to provocate us.
Fact is that your words noising us.
Fact is that you speak with our clanleader on english but he told you often enough taht he cant speak englisch, That is noising him
Fact is that your words about dock killing are just an illusion , you can buy everytime an Dockprotection befor you undock, Or you can write us that u give up.
But you only Flame , Insult and being nonstop respectless against our clan.
Fact is that you Attack us when we are alone then you come 2 vs 1 and then it is ok for you. But when we got our Revenge with 3 or 4 vs 2 you start talk about Unfair,dockkilling, Cheating, Bots/bats using and start spam the Universe chat with Anti Pharao things That is noising us too.
And we got a Clan rule that says "Only kill an enemy 3-5 times(is about the situation) and then wait for he open the fire again." We keep that rule everytime , only when you fire on us after that 3rd time we will kill you again 3times.
So that is your own fault that we kill you.

And now you just show that you havent the Proud to see your Faults
Otherwise you try to show that your words all was ok and there was nothing insulting or Flaming in it.
In our eyes and for sure in the eyes from other players it is Flaming and the try to kill our good name on the server.

By the way Firedragen, I think nearly the same about Manhattan words

Greetings Pharao Chons

About your ask who is not our Friend Retribution...

Everyone Else who not wear an Pharao Tag or Demon tag or dont wear the Name Tuxman/Placebo.!
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Re: [TOD] Rufmord + Flame

Post by Retribution »

exactly what i said cyber bullying
Firedragon , For us is fact that you try to kill our Name on this server with your words.= complaint about thuggery
Fact for us is too that your words are most time Insults against us.= german english language barrier
Fact is that your words noising us.= as above
Fact is that you speak with our clanleader on english but he told you often enough taht he cant speak englisch, That is noising him = we too have same problem but try to understand german
Fact is that your words about dock killing are just an illusion , you can buy everytime an Dockprotection befor you undock, Or you can write us that u give up = not fighting back surely means we dont want to
Fact is that you Attack us when we are alone then you come 2 vs 1 and then it is ok for you. But when we got our Revenge with 3 or 4 vs 2 you start talk about Unfair,dockkilling, Cheating, Bots/bats using and start spam the Universe chat with Anti Pharao things That is noising us too.= first of all it is not revenge on your behalf so dont even go there quiet the opposite 2v2 1v1 2v3 ok 1/2 v 5 not if they all pharao ok if you stick to your 3 kill rule, but today i was killed 3 times then 5 min delay then attacked again not seen reloading from pharao so no comment.

personally from what i have seen, on NU is that there is a lot of racial tension
pharao declared war on tod because we dare to stand up to your thuggery, and not bow to it
but you need to remember it is only a game

personally i want to enjoy my time on NU in game not on the forum bitching
THROUGHOUT all of these posts we are made out to be guilty when in fact we are the victims
Last edited by Retribution on 13.11.2010, 02:09, edited 2 times in total.