Sorry for not beeing activ and a small explanation

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Sorry for not beeing activ and a small explanation

Post by mindhunter »

Hello anyone,
I'm writing this because of a few messages which have reached me in the past months.

I've not shown a lot of activity over the last few months.
This is because i realised that i spend some of my best years for NU and not for myself.
Not that i regret something its just the fact that i saw myself beeing behind peoples in the same age.
After i realized this i changed my life and concentrated myself towards my carrier.
This worked very well and so i got a new, better payed job.
Because of the new challenge i found in my new job I will not have any time for NU in the next few months and maybe not till the end of 2012.
I'm really sad about that because I'm still proud of my work here and about what we made NU to.
I hope we will made it over the next few months so i get the chance to show up some activity an modding skills once my real life comes to a smoth phase.

With best regards and a big thanks to all players and stuff members

Lebe lustig, lebe froh, was kommen soll kommt sowieso....
Enjoy every day of your life!
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Re: Sorry for not beeing activ and a small explanation

Post by ATLANTIS »

This is a good and proper way old friend, I wish you all the best.